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2024-04-04 13:52:47

Biden was “angry”, “heartbroken”, and “outraged” by the genocide of the Palestinian people as he sold weapons to Israel to carry out the genocide of the Palestinian people.
And *that*, there, is his difference, people. He cares. He’s compassionate. In fact, he’s likely the most caring and compassionate arms dealer to ever fund a genocide.
And they say he’s just as bad as the other guy.
2024-05-04 07:07:16

Verletzte bei Angriffen auf Regionen Charkiw und Dnipropetrowsk
Russland hat laut der Ukraine in der Nacht die Regionen Charkiw und Dnipropetrowsk ins Visier genommen. Bei den Angriffen wurden den Behörden zufolge mindestens sechs Menschen verletzt. Auch gab es demnach Schäden an Infrastrukturanlagen, Geschäfts- und Wohnhäusern.
Die ukrainische Luftwaffe teilte mit, alle 13 von Russland auf die beiden Regionen gerichteten Dr…
2024-04-04 19:10:08

The iOS #calculator meme that’s going around where “50 50×2=” yields 150 and not 200, is a great example of *hidden states* in UX design.
Low-cost desktop calculators perform (most) operations strictly left-to-right: press any operator button ( -×÷), and the display is updated to show the result of the calculation so far, and *that* result becomes an operand for the operation. There is no o…

Apple’s iOS calculator showing the result of 50 + 50 × 2 as 150, without showing the expression.
PCalc clearly showing the expression 50 + 50 × 2 resulting in the answer 150.
2024-04-03 02:01:03

White House hosts muted Ramadan event as Biden's Israel policy draws anger (Reuters)
2024-04-04 01:44:18

NYC Participatory Voting for Improvement Projects
How would you spend $1 million in your neighborhood?
The better question is how would you allocate $1million between city agencies? And the big question is and will not be answered: What happens if we don't vote for fixing potholes on Broadway? Does DOT just do that as part of its regular street milling schedule?
2024-02-05 09:29:56

Paris bestellt offenbar Russlands Botschafter ein
Vier Tage nach dem Tod zweier Franzosen bei einem russischen Angriff in der Ukraine soll offenbar der russische Botschafter in Paris ins französische Außenministerium einbestellt werden. Paris werde den Angriff erneut verurteilen, bei dem die beiden Mitarbeiter einer christlichen Hilfsorganisation getötet wurden, erfuhr die französische Nachrichtenagentur AFP aus Diplomatenkrei…
2024-03-04 08:30:59

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2024-05-01 09:00:07

inploid: Inploid: an online social Q&A platform
Inploid is a social question & answer website in Turkish. Users can follow others and see their questions and answers on the main page. Each user is associated with a reputability score which is influenced by feedback of others about questions and answers of the user. Each user can also specify interest in topics. The data is crawled in June 2017 and consist of 39,749 nodes and 57,276 directed links between them. In addition, for …

inploid: Inploid: an online social Q&A platform. 39749 nodes, 57276 edges.

House Republicans won’t take ‘no evidence’ for an answer in impeachment inquiry
“To quote Congressman Issa, who was there, it was a big nothing,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the top Democrat on the committee.
“Although I would amend it by saying it was a little nothing.
Everything that we learned was what we knew before, which was that President Biden is not involved and has never been involved in his son’s businesses.”

Much of the hearing, he said, involved “pi…
2024-03-04 08:30:59

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